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Casey's Spotlight: IRS Senior Tax Guide

Dear Friends:

Tax season is in full swing. Millions of older Americans are preparing to file their returns and families are preparing to help their older parents and grandparents file. As a leader of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, I am writing to share with you a resource that the IRS developed for our Committee to help seniors maximize their income tax returns and avoid paying more than necessary.

The guide, which I hope you will consider sharing with friends, neighbors, and colleagues, includes helpful information, such as:

* Tax forms seniors should file depending on which types of retirement income they receive;
* How seniors can deduct out-of-pocket spending on medical and dental bills;
* Specific tax credits older Americans might be able to take advantage of this year; and
* Contact information for the IRS for seniors who may need assistance with filing.

Ensuring that older Americans are able to maximize their returns and avoid overpaying on their taxes is one of the many steps we are taking to make sure that all seniors and their families are able to feel financially secure. Most importantly, I am committed to ensuring that we protect Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security so that older Americans can continue to maintain their financial and health security.

Thank you for your continued commitment to protecting these programs and for looking out for the financial security of older Americans.


Bob Casey
United States Senator
Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Aging